'She\'s sassy, cartoony and FABULOUS! It\'s Angela! NO AUDIO COMMENTARY This was livestreamed on the 3rd December 2018. Thanks for watching! :) Fabulous - Angela\'s Fashion Fever (Game Link): https://store.steampowered.com/app/540060/Fabulous__Angelas_Fashion_Fever/ Cross-posted from my Twitch.tv channel: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/344287208 --------------------------------------------- I livestream on Twitch! Twitch (Main): https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalcanary Twitch (Secondary): https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalcanarynightowl Tumblr (Main): https://mythicalcanary.tumblr.com/ Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/3UfjbW7 Ko-Fi Page: http://ko-fi.com/mythicalcanary StreamElements (Tips/Donations): https://streamelements.com/mythicalcanary-7425/tip'
Tags: YouTube , gaming , game , Drama , twitch , gamer , no commentary , Casual gaming , Fabulous - Angela's Fashion Fever , MythicalCanary
See also: