'50 MPH Winds & Runaway Prius Farm Car!!!! In today\'s video, we have high winds again here in Montana! We are preparing the drills for seeding. The John Deere mechanic is at the farm to help level the seeding drills with Uncle Chris and Darcy. Dad and I have to run into town to get a new pre-air cleaner for the tractor. Austin and Dad almost get blown off the tractor by the high winds trying to install it. We look at the chickpeas that are getting planted this year. We go into the shop. Dad went out of the shop to get into the Prius but it wasn\'t there. Dad shows me how our Prius farm car took off and drove away by itself. Amazingly it didn\'t hit one of the only trees on the farm! I see the cutest little bunny too!!!! Darcy tells me how exciting it is to be planting again!! Or at least it is exciting for me!!!! LOL Darcy is going to be planting chickpeas and I am going to plant barley once the equipment is ready to go. We are very excited about spring planting 2022. Thank you for watching and I hope you like and subscribe to my channel! To support my channel by ordering a Kate\'s Ag Tote Bag please visit my website: https://www.katesag.com Visit the Kate\'s Ag Website: https://www.katesag.com/ If you have a farm that you would like me to feature, please feel free to email info@katesag.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kates_ag/?h... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katesag Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kates_ag/ Postal/Mailing Address: P.O. Box 476 Great Falls, MT 59403 Kate Stephens designer website: www.katestephens.com My Story… Hello. My name is Kate Stephens, and I am a 17-year-old 4th generation Montana farmer. My family has been farming wheat in north-central Montana since my great grandfather immigrated from Denmark in 1912 and homesteaded our land. My family has been teaching me about farming since I was two years old. I run one of the combines on the farm at harvest. I believe that it is important for everyone to know where their food comes from and the families who produce it. I love our farm, and I hope that my Farm to Fashion and Farm to Table products can help educate people about where their food comes from in a fun way. That is how Kate\'s Ag - Farm to Fashion became a reality. I hope you love my products as much as I do because this is an extension of our farm and the grains we have been growing to feed other families for over one hundred years.'
Tags: Montana , 2022 , farm , farming , Agriculture , tractor , wheat , john deere , chickpeas , seeding , spring planting , women in agriculture , women in ag , kate's ag , kate's ag youtube , kate's ag farm to fashion , millennial farmer , cole the cornstar , montana farming , laura farms , kates ag , seeding drills , planting chickpeas , northern farmer , farm simulator 22 , montana farmer , family farm adventure , montana farmers union , farmers world , big sky country , montana winter , tractor maintenance tips
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