'An interesting look i came up with using the Drac helmet, and the Dynasty Premium skin. Because the Drac is half as thick as the other helmets it allows the underarmor to show, which for the deluxe skin looks like glowing teeth. Check my Discord for Sneak Peaks to new content or chat with other fans [Be Sure To Read Rules First!]: https://discord.gg/Jsx6K5x The Dark Side Has Muffins (°∀°) IGN: superbot34 ➤WDR (Warframe Damage Rundown Tutorials): http://tinyurl.com/m8qk7ko ➤Warframe Discussion/Rants: http://tinyurl.com/l2oq2v5 ➤Darth.tv Skits (Original memes/funny videos): http://tinyurl.com/lscc7ql ➤BugFrame Playlist (All Bugs I Have Uploaded): http://tinyurl.com/hyw42ul ➤Darthmufin\'s Riven Mods: http://tinyurl.com/zxkyu3v ➤Best of Darthmufin Playlist (My top picks from my uploads!): http://tinyurl.com/BestDarthmufin People Who Have Generously Donated Items To Me: Donator ➤LSDbaitedConfirmed (IGN) ➤GalacticArtie (IGN) ➤Mrniko95 (IGN) ➤Niklas Drago ➤KhorCS (IGN) Donator Vandal ➤XstarsoldierX (IGN) Donator Prime ➤_Kishou_ (IGN) ➤WireED (IGN) ➤-Amaryl- (IGN) ➤Timythedarkside (IGN) ➤HadesgamingPL (IGN) ➤Dahx11 (IGN) ➤DameArstor (IGN) ➤Mixolli (IGN) ➤DustySpirit (IGN) ➤iM_iLtis (IGN) ➤LennyTheLennyFace (IGN) ➤Dzecar (IGN) ➤Tommy2341a (IGN) ➤DynamiteXD ➤SwoobatFanatic (IGN) ➤1N33DM0N3Y (IGN) ➤kerenskylegacy (IGN) ➤MrMako183 (IGN) ➤Fionntan (IGN) ➤xS0nico (IGN) ➤korndolorous (IGN) ➤KyberKat (IGN) ➤DivineDavidHoyle (IGN)'
Tags: top , best , weapons , build , warframe , fashion frame , deluxe , skin , tactical , potato , dynasty , builds , Quite , chroma , mogamu , shallow , Delux , H3adsh0t , OriginalWickedFun , superbot34 , memesage , drac
See also: