'【Photos of underground fashion scene】RIP CHINA CHALET, NYC legendary party spot | Street Photography'

'【Photos of underground fashion scene】RIP CHINA CHALET, NYC legendary party spot | Street Photography'
09:10 Dec 11, 2022
'China Chalet, a Chinese restaurant that converts to the coolest party spot in NY, closed its doors for good after its almost 50 years of business. There are so many photos that were taken for #TheWayYouWEREThatDay project in this spot and they play a huge role in it. So in this video, to show my appreciation for them, I am going to look back on all the photos I have taken in this place! Thank you so much China Chalet !  #TheWayYouWEREThatDay: https://www.instagram.com/thewayyouwerethatday/  Book Stores for #TheWayYouWEREThatDay Photo Book issue 1 Dashwood Books: https://bit.ly/2YFTjbO Office Newsstand: http://officemagazine.net/newsstand  0:00 Introduction 0:22 What is China Chalet 2:18 Photos from China Chalet 8:26 Ending' 

Tags: fashion , clothing , fashion week , アメリカ , newyork , Documentary , quarantine , nyc , ootd , english , Youth , brooklyn , culture , artist , Photographer , street style , outfit , Social distancing , soho , street , downtown , ファッションウィーク , ファッション , manhattan , 英語 , street photography , 旅行 , ny , ニューヨーク , Lower East Side , street snap , 留学 , 海外 , 語学 , coronalockdown , 写真 , ストリートファッション , street style photography , 服装 , streetsnap , カメラ , 写真家 , スナップ , ストリートスナップ , ブルックリン , マンハッタン , ストリートスタイル , カルチャー , Shinichi Tsutsui , SInceCorona , FromSixFeet , 筒井心一 , しんち , 海外移住 , ストリートカルチャー , 語学勉強 , 語学留学

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