'Fashion as a rising factor in the electronic music market. Every day we can see how artists are incorporating fashion into their work as an added value of their personal brand, generating a greater mass reach and expanding their market. „The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time combined with individual needs and preferences in music, fashion and art.” is the mission and vision of Customized Culture, a brand which starts a movement with no boundaries and let music, art and fashion melt together. We create a culture that each person can define for themselves and still become part of a larger movement. Through this interesting interview we will be able to know in greater detail from start to finish what it means to start a fashion brand from scratch, the steps to take, the mistakes not to make and how to get a higher profitability to all processes while learning in any of them. A unique and special tour of the hand of Max & Dennis who represent in a natural and real way the values of a project that will give much to talk about in the coming years. Berlin Dance Music Event: https://berlin-dance-music-event.com More info about Customized Culture can be found in the links below: -- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/customizedculturelabel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/customized.culture/'
Tags: 2020 , Dance , Berlin , interview , event , talk , Music , Producer , Connect , masterclasses , gathering , dmeberlin
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