'1. The first one I call it unconventional casual and comfort. Wearing It with a green crop top matching with jeans short and a cute umbrella socks. Look ini pas banget buat kegiatan outdoor seharian, you can do whatever you want dengan gaya yang santai tapi tetep terlihat unique. 2. Biasanya kalo lagi liburan/traveling lebih comfortable pakai shorts terus, tapi cons-nya style kita jadi terlihat boring… Jadi supaya sedikit berbeda I picked a balloon skirt (that I usually wear to formal occasions) with a sleeveless cotton shirt = a bit of femininity. Dua tipe baju yang berbeda tapi setelah dikombinasikan terlihat menarik dan cocok untuk dinner, shopping and all the girlies activities. 3. Indoor socialist – After two days of doing outdoor activities I wanted to cool down so I could wear the essential items with a jacket or might call it a thin coat. This look is perfect for indoor lunch, a visit to the library and night time activities.'
Tags: new , fashion , sexy , style , hot , new fashion , Olivia , indonesia , fashion challenge , artis , New Style , Wardrobe (Art Subject) , Cantik , Beautifull , cewek cantik , cewek , Artis Indonesia , olivia lubis jensen , 3day , artis cewek , artis wanita
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