'How to make Old Fashioned Divinity Candy. Most people enjoy this sugary treat at Christmas time, we enjoy it year round. Hope you will too! Old Fashioned Divinity INGREDIENTS 2 ½ cups Sugar ½ cup Water ½ cup Light Corn Syrup 1/8 tsp. Salt 2 Egg whites, room temperature 1 cup Chopped Pecans 1 tsp. Vanilla DIRECTIONS In large saucepan, over medium heat, combine sugar, water, corn syrup and salt. Stir only until sugar is dissolved. Cook until candy thermometer reaches 260 degrees, about 10 minutes. Beat egg whites on high speed until stiff peaks form while sugar mixture is cooking. Once sugar mixture reaches 260 degrees, remove from heat and slowly pour in a thin stream over egg whites with mixer on high. Beat on high for 5-8 minutes until candy loses its glossiness and starts to hold shape. Test a small spoonful onto parchment paper to see if it holds its shape. If needed, beat another minute or 2 and test again. Mix in pecans and vanilla. Then using 2 spoons, drop tablespoon size scoops onto parchment paper using one spoon to scrape the candy off the other. Let candy set then store for up to 5 days in airtight container.'
Tags: Cooking , Recipe , delicious , baking , dessert , sweet , homemade , best , Treats , Holiday , classic , christmas , Architect , sugar , candy , candy making , awesome , Homestead , southern , cookie , arts and crafts , culinary , honey , TREAT , projects , karo , old fashioned , pecan , marshmellow , bees , vanilla , Parchment , Nougat , egg whites , Beekeeping , confectionery , Humidity , Divinity , corn syrup , Candy Thermometer , wax paper
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