Feb 27, 2023
'The University of Portland College Ecology Club\'s \"Trashin\' Fashion: A Recycled Fashion Show\" - for which student designers will create outfits made from a minimum of 75 percent reused and recycled materials - was featured on KPTV Fox 12 on Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011. The goal of the fashion show is to encourage people to think about the concepts of reusing and recycling and how people can use their own creativity to give things a second life. In January, a University of Portland student was highlighted in the New York Times in a feature about \"green\" and fair-trade clothing. The College Ecology Club is among the largest student groups on campus and builds awareness on environmental issues. The club works with the University community by planning activities, such as a Bike Day each semester, that benefit the environment and promote individual responsibility with recycling, reducing and reusing.'
Tags: fashion , fashion show , green , sustainable , recycling , University of Portland
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