'Summer Favorites♡Girly Shabby Chic Fashion & Beauty♡'

'Summer Favorites♡Girly Shabby Chic Fashion & Beauty♡'
15:38 Mar 2, 2023
'Open for more! Summer Favorites♡Girly Shabby Chic Fashion & Beauty♡ Today I\'m sharing my summer favorites in Beauty and Fashion! Accessories, Dresses, Scrunchies, Bracelets, Skincare, Makeup & Home Products are all shown in this video!  My Summer style is very girly, shabby chic, and vintage so I have lots of fashion and accessory pieces to share from stores such as Princess Polly and Zaful as well as small Boutiques and Esty shops.  In Beauty I have a favorites from Glossier & Douvolle and for home products I share some new Bath & Bodyworks scents I\'ve been loving!  PRODCTS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO!  Beauty♡  Glossier Balm.com https://go.magik.ly/ml/p4us/ GET 10% OFF AT GLOSSIER! https://re.glossier.com/9047865b    ♡Duvolle™ - 70% OFF PROMO CODE:  DOLL   ♡Duvolle™ Radiance Spin-Care System: $28.50 http://duvolle.com/radiance-spin-care-system/  ♡Duvolle™ Pro Series 32mm Curling Wand: $34.50 http://duvolle.com/curling-wands/  ♡Duvolle™ “Impulse” Far-Infrared Hair Straightener: $55.50 http://duvolle.com/hair-straighteners/  ♡Duvolle™ “Rendezvous” Titanium Styling Iron: $58.50 http://duvolle.com/rendezvous-titanium-styling-iron/   Accessories♡ Claire\'s Scrunchies Brown Plaid Scrunchie https://go.magik.ly/ml/p4v5/ Floral Velvet Scrunchie https://go.magik.ly/ml/p4v7/ Green Scrunchie  UrbanUpcycleco Scrunchies  Blue & Yellow Floral Scrunchie  https://www.etsy.com/listing/691034161/summer-picnic-scrunchies-set-scrunchies?ref=shop_home_active_11&frs=1 Strawberry Scrunchie  https://www.etsy.com/listing/684957244/strawberry-scrunchies-set-satin?ref=shop_home_active_16&frs=1 Green & Yellow Floral Srunchie https://www.etsy.com/listing/677630010/vintage-floral-scrunchies-set-scrunchies?ref=shop_home_active_24&frs=1  Tara.crespi.art (Scrunchies)  Message her on Instagram to purchase! https://www.instagram.com/tara.crespi.art/  Sweet on You Boutique Floral Bandana  https://sweetonyouboutique.com/collections/accessories/products/forest-floral-bandana  Brighton Pearl Bracelet  https://www.brighton.com/product/holders/36956-217034/-victoria-charm-bracelet.html  Fashion♡  Princess Polly Floral Dress https://www.princesspolly.com/nelly-mini-dress/ Green Dress https://www.princesspolly.com/empress-of-love-mini-dress-sage/  Zaful Green Floral Dress https://go.magik.ly/ml/p53n/  Island Gypsy Green Floral Romper https://instagram.com/islandgypsies?igshid=1qo1j39c6sj5z  Home ♡  Bath and Bodyworks  Sunflower Wallflower  Strawberry Pound Cake Wallflower Peach Bellini Wallflower White Caramel Cold Brew Wallflower   https://www.bathandbodyworks.com/p/white-caramel-cold-brew-wallflowers-fragrance-refill-024516367.html?cgid=all-wallflowers#start=34  Music Used: February by Beach Bunny  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5IwNLLHPvg LILBOOTYCALL TYPE BEAT // PROD LIL KAJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jq3-c2U1LA&t=61s  BUY ALL MY GIRLY CLOTHES BELOW  (Poshmark username is Chloedg1)↓ SELLING MY CLOTHING ON POSHMARK♡ https://poshmark.com/closet/chloedg1  Subscribe to BECOME A CHLOETTE♡ https://www.youtube.com/user/Beautyybychloe  Main Instagram♡ http://instagram.com/beautyybychloe  Say Hi here too!   Twitter♡ https://twitter.com/beautyybychloe  Vegan Instagram♡ http://instagram.com/vgnchlo  Pinterest♡ http://www.pinterest.com/BeautyyByChloe   Spotify♡ @Beautyybychloe  Visit my blog♡ http://beautyybychloe.blogspot.com  Blog Lovin♡ http://www.bloglovin.com/beautyybychloe  SELLING MY CLOTHING ON POSHMARK♡ https://poshmark.com/closet/chloedg1  ♡Business Inquiries? Email me! Beautyybychloe@gmail.com♡  I DO NOT OWN ANY MUSIC   FAQ♡  How old are you?   20  What do you use to film with?  Canon rebel t5i  What video editor do you use?  Final cut proX' 

Tags: fashion , beauty , girly , skincare , glossier , summer fashion , ZAFUL , princess polly haul , summer essentials , Scrunchies , beauty favorites , summer haul , summer style , FASHION INSPO , where to shop , Summer favorites , Shabby Chic Style , girly fashion , girly fashion haul , girly style , bath and bodyworks , boutique haul , boutique shopping , summer beauty essentials , scrunchie haul , favorite sundresses , princess polly summer haul , summer 2019 favorites , douvolle , esty , esty haul

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