'This How to make Rock Candy at home DIY dessert recipe is so simple and easy to make you will never want to buy it again. Watch all my Christmas recipes: https://goo.gl/j1T9Y3 Merchandise Store: http://toddskitchen.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/toddskitchen Instagram: http://instagram.com/toddm007 Pinterest: http://Pinterest.com/toddskitchen Twitter: https://twitter.com/SimpleEasyCook My other Youtube channels: My HOME HANDY HINTS CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/homehandyhints MY YOUTUBE VLOG CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/easycookingvlog New video recipes every: TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SUNDAY Ingredients: 3¾ C. Sugar 1 C. corn Syrup 1 C. Water 1 TSP. Flavouring Food Colouring Powdered Sugar to coat'
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