'新車落地!坐MINI Electric去睇YDC Fashion Contest, 中途發生左啲咩? - MINI Electric X YDC Fashion Contest EP3'

'新車落地!坐MINI Electric去睇YDC Fashion Contest, 中途發生左啲咩? - MINI Electric X YDC Fashion Contest EP3'
02:56 Apr 1, 2023
'MINI Electric X YDC Fashion Contest 新車落地!坐MINI Electric去睇YDC Fashion Contest, 中途發生左啲咩? - EP3 Driving new MINI Electric to YDC Fashion Contest, what happened? - EP3  關於About YDC 在千變萬化的時裝世界裡,創意絕對是重要的原素,而能準確地把握時代的脈搏,並在創意與市場中取得平衡,是一個成功設計師的先決條件。時裝界求才若渴,不斷需要新一代的設計師為行業的發展注入新力量,發揮無窮潛力。 培育本地設計新秀,一直以來是香港貿易發展局(貿發局)的使命,每年舉辦的「香港青年時裝設計家創作表演賽」(簡稱YDC),為業界發掘設計人材,藉此提高香港作為亞洲時裝設計中心的地位,多年來已經成為了同類型活動中最具代表性的一個。過去曾參賽的設計師,當中不少都成為了本地時裝及成衣界的首席設計師,也有一些獨當一面,成立了為人熟悉的自家品牌。時移勢易,比賽的形式因緊貼業界的需要而不斷演變,但比賽的宗旨始終如一,就是提供寶貴的機會,讓初出道的設計師從構思、設計、製作到將一個時裝系列送上舞台,展示創意和實力,讓他們的作品有更多曝光機會之餘,也助他們一試市場,開拓商機。 In the ephemeral world of fashion, creativity is particularly important. The ability to grasp the pulse of the times, to balance individual innovation with societal trends, is an essential trait for a designer.  Nurturing local talent and championing Hong Kong design have been the mission of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC). TDC launched The Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest (YDC) which has become a thriving hub for design and branded labels, and the role of the YDC in identifying talent is more pronounced than ever.  The contest has become the most prestigious event of its kind in the region. Its success is evident by the number of past contestants who have gone on to become leading designers for fashion enterprises or launch their own labels.  Creative Direction: Wilf Cho, Joethy Yu  Directed by Wilf Cho Written by Wilf Cho, Iris Tong, Davy Li Produced by Joethy Yu  Lead Cast: Selene Cheung, Allex Chan, Louis Mok, Bonnie Wong Supporting Cast: Ivy Pang, Joethy Yu, Chris Cho, Gabriel Chen  Assistant Director: Tanley Lau, Ah B Director of Photography: Tim Richardson Editor: @606mov Sound Design: Allex Chan Subtitles by: Joethy Yu  Set Design: Samuel Choi assisted by Connie Luk and Heiley Lai Styling: Joethy Yu assisted by Gela Lau Make Up: Jenny Shih, Eddy Liu, assisted by Percy Shing Hair: Him Ng, Winky Wong For more information: https://www.fashionally.com/en/   #YDC2021 #HongKongYoungFashionDesignersContest #HongKongYoungFashionDesigner #HongKongFashion #MINIHK #時裝設計比賽 #香港時裝設計師 #青年時裝設計師' 

Tags: YDC2021 , HongKongYoungFashionDesignersContest , HongKongYoungFashionDesigner

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