'Sorry for the Misspelled Word of Millenialls.. Millennials #seniorcitizen #seniorcitizenpower #covidsurvivor #covid19 #oldfashionshowfromasenior #wearingjumpsuits #jumpsuits #practicaltipsforseniors #haul #hauling #haulingdressesduringpandemic #bondingwithgrandchildren #minifashionshow #vlog #pandemic OLD FASHION SHOW of a SENIOR from the Hauled Dresses is one of the activities a senior can do during this time of Pandemic. We Seniors can make ways on how to spend our time qualitatively so as not to feel bored during this pandemic.We can HAUL our old dresses like the JUMPSUITS and take photos while wearing them. It\'s one of my favorites because of the style like having pockets and off- shoulder style. I made this Mini Old Fashion Show to let the Seniors know that this can be done in their free time and way of bonding with their grandchildren. JelmodeClothing: https://www.facebook.com/jelmode/'
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