'Nothing can bring on a fit of nostalgia faster than wistfully remembering some of your favorite candies you ate as a kid. It’s hard to get kids today to understand that they just don’t make candy like they used to. It can be difficult to explain the exhilarating feeling that accompanied opening a piece of Bazooka Joe and reading the comic wrapped around the near-jaw-dislocating piece of gum inside. However, it’s probably best that they are blissfully unaware of how cool you felt “smoking” a candy cigarette. In this video, we’ve compiled 17 old-school candies that should make a comeback. #OldSchoolCandies #Candy #Sweets Bazooka gum | 0:00 Whistle Pops | 1:04 Cry Baby bubble gum | 1:39 Candy Buttons | 2:17 Jaw Busters | 2:48 Candy cigarettes | 3:24 Tongue Splashers bubble gum | 4:05 Ouch! bubble gum | 4:28 Laffy Taffy Sparkle Cherry | 5:13 Runts | 6:26 PB Max | 7:21 Garbage Can-dy | 7:56 Astro Pops | 8:36 Space Dust | 9:28 Bonkers Fruit Candy | 10:20 Read Full Article: https://www.mashed.com/29082/retro-candies-miss/'
Tags: candy , old school candies , candies that need to come back , mashed , mashed food , candy buttons , runts , Space Dust , old school candies that need to make a comeback , candies that need to make a comeback , old school candies that need to come back , bazooka gum , whistle pops , cry baby bubble gum , jaw busters , tongue splashers bubble gum , ouch bubble gum , laffy taffy sparkle cherry , hubba bubba bubble jug , peanut butter oompas , pb max , garbage can-dy , astro pops , bonkers fruit candy
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