'so i was playing minecraft and was playing bedwars and while in a match i was heading towards the middle and suddenly i an oppoonent appeared on the bridge and i had like these fireballs at my hand ready so why not throw it at him i trew it at him and he died in fall damage and me not even taking a single hit so i thought this clip is not bad and since i lacked posting videos so i thought why not cringe the hell out of my audience and i edited this video in like 2 minutes and here we are DONT CLICK THIS LINK: https://bit.ly/3ba6FD3 Anyways thanks for watching my video if you like it make sure to leave like and subscribe to my channel its completely free and you can always change your mind or atleast hit the like button for my satisfaction and i see you guys in an another video bye....... Minecraft, minecraft bedwars, minecraft memes, minecraft technoblade, technoblade saying not even close meme, not even close minecraft technoblade meme #Minecraft #shorts #Minecraftbedwars
Tags: minecraft , Bedwars , minecraft memes , Technoblade , minecraft meme , Minecraft BedWars , minecraft bedwars memes , minecraft technoblade , technoblade bedwars , minecraft technoblade saying not even close , not even close baby technoblade never dies , not even close baby technoblade never dies meme , Enderbee
See also: