'Pada video ini, saya membahas Tren Fashion Tahun 2021 berdasarkan majalah Harper\'s Bazaar yang diterapkan ke dalam Fashion Hijab untuk wanita Muslim. Untuk bagian kedua ini, saya membawakan 2 gaya padu-padan yang terdiri dari: Petal to The Metal (motif floral) dan Coats of Many Colors (jaket warna-warni). Untuk gaya padu-padan sisanya akan saya bawakan di video selanjutnya. Jangan lupa like, comment dan share video ini, ya! Subscribe juga channel saya agar tidak ketinggalan video baru saya! Terima kasih sudah berkunjung! ______ In this video, I will show you 2021 Fashion Trends based on Harper\'s Bazaar Magazine applied and adjusted to Moslem Women Hijab Fashion. In this second part of this series, I will show you 2 mix-and-match style: Petal to The Metal and Coats of Many Colors. For the rest of the style, I will show you on my next videos. So stay tune! Don\'t forget to like, comment, and share this video! Please also subscribe my channel so you won\'t miss my next videos! Thank you for watching! ______ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/retnodh_rossana/ Full article of 2021 Harper\'s Bazaar Fashion Trends: https://www.harpersbazaar.com/fashion/fashion-week/g34074135/spring-2021-fashion-trends/ Audio credits: Denver Avenue - Reed Mathis #hijabfashion #fashiontrends'
Tags: fashion , tutorial , style , model , FASHION TRENDS , ootd , stylish , fashionista , Bazaar , fashion hacks , fashion style , fashion blogger , outfit , Fashionable , outfit ideas , outfit of the day , OUTFIT INSPIRATION , fashion tutorial , hijab , hijab tutorial , hijab fashion , hijab style , hijabi , modest fashion , 2021 fashion trends , mix and match , muslim fashion , hijab ootd , hijabers , hijab fashion style , hijab outfit , hijab outfit ideas , hijab inspiration , moslem women fashion , fashion of the day
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