'Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes | Style Squad * Glam.com'

03:24 Jul 15, 2023
'Easy, breezy, BOO! SUBSCRIBE http://bitly.com/glamsubscribe for these last-minute Halloween costume ideas.   Hoping for a haute Halloween but don’t know where to start? If things come down to the wire, just crack open that closet and solve your last-minute costume crisis with stuff you already have. Want to borrow from the boys and channel Charlie Chaplin? Suit up in that black suit. Fancy Margot Tenenbaum? We know you’ve got a fur—real or faux—to do the royal justice. Dress up as Anna Wintour, even if your devil doesn’t wear Prada, or relive your younger years as Pippi Longstocking. Trust us, your wardrobe has all you need for a haute Halloween.  Need more ideas for October 31? Visit our Haute Halloween playlist: http://bit.ly/glam-haute-halloween  Get more inspiration from the Style Squad: http://bit.ly/glamstylesquad  Visit our Style Squad on the web: Chelsea LaSalle: http://www.thedauphine.com Kelly Torrez: http://birdieshoots.com Bethann Wagner: http://bethanimalprint.com Alina Dinh: http://stylebyalina.com  For more videos like this, subscribe to Glam on YouTube and leave us a comment below: http://bit.ly/glamsubscribe  Visit us on the web to keep your life, styled: http://www.glam.com  Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/glam_com Friend us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glamcom Check us out on Instagram: http://instagram.com/glam_com Get inspired on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/glampins Add us to your circle on Google+: http://bit.ly/glam-googleplus' 

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