'Thumbs up for more hijab tutorials! And subscribe for love :3 ☺ Instagram: http://instagram.com/hijabhills/ Snapchat : rubazai Scarfs : http://www.desertroseboutique.uk Salam beauties, In today\'s video I\'m sharing my favorite hijab tutorials for going to work, college, school or university. These styles are great everyday looks because they look comfortable yet stylish! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Follow me on snapchat @rubazai Follow me on instagram @hijabhills Like me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/hijabhills/ Music : Lakey Inspired - Prince Ft. DC https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired'
Tags: Islam , hijab , hijab style , hijabi , bethanymota , modesty , amenakin , pearldaisy , babylailalov , beautygloss , Dinatokio , zukreat , hejab , hijaab , modestfashion , hijeb , hijaabhills , hijabhill
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