'What does a day in the life of David Tlale look like? Well, we got the opportunity to spend the day with one of African\'s top fashion designers as he preps to launch his Cape Town Store. Watch as David Tlale takes us behind the scenes and reveals how he is able to launch 4 stores during a global pandemic. Still haven’t subscribed to The A1with Moyin on YouTube? ►► http://www.youtube.com/thea1withmoyin?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on social media: http://www.instagram.com/thea1online http://www.twitter.com/thea1online Credits: Producer: Moyin Oloruntoba On Camera: Zintle Fazii & Siya Nondikane Editor: Siya Nondikane ABOUT THE A1 WITH MOYIN The A1 with Moyin is a platform, founded by Tv Presenter & YouTuber Moyin Oloruntoba, that celebrates African creatives at the top of their fields and equips those on their way through, conversations, interviews and insights into their lives. #Dayinthelife #TheA1withMoyin #DavidTlale'
Tags: News , Day in the Life , david tlale , african fashion designer , a day with , South African Entertainment , African Fashion International , south african fashion designer , The A1 , African Entertainment news , 'Entertainment , Fashion designer David Tlale
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