'Hey girls! So I visited NYC\'s garment district for the first time in YEARS! I found an amazing vendor, Gracias and my Neutrogena held me down the entire time! Loving the #HydroboostCityShield line! Check it out here: http://bit.ly/2RZlBYn I found a vendor for my online boutique! Check me out here: https://elevynthirty.com/ One of my vendors: http://www.graciany.com/ Hope this helped! The vendors didn\'t allow me to film inside, but I do plan on writing an e-book to help all of my aspiring boutique owners in the future! Like this video to see more content like this! Follow me and stay in touch my #Royaltees Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiarramonet... Follow The Crowned Collection! https://www.instagram.com/thecrownedc... Snapchat : LoveeTiarra ADD MEE'
Tags: Garment District , neutrogena hydro boost , tiarra monet , boutique vendors , clothing vendors , boutique clothing vendors , nyc garment district , hydro boost city shield , fashion nova clothing vendors , how to start a boutuque , elevyn thirty
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