'HISTORY of MACRAMÉ: Tying Together Queens, Arabic Weavers, and Coachella Fashion | Domestika'

05:33 Jan 15
'From nuns to hippies, for centuries macramé has served as a creative outlet for people across the world. But how has something as simple as a bundle of rope managed to be reimagined in so many different ways? Find out more on our blog: https://www.domestika.org/en/blog/8585-the-history-of-macrame-from-arabic-weavers-to-coachella-fashion?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=media_historiade_&utm_content=media_historiade_macrame_enYOU   ✅ Subscribe to our channel: http://domestika.co/DomestikaEN_SUB    

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