'Jen first captured America\'s heart in 2005 when she won the title of MTV\'s Miss Seventeen. Having just graduated from college, she\'s living in the city and paving her way to the top the old-fashioned way: By working her butt off! She is proof that not every young gorgeous blonde on TV is a celebutard. What\'s an Alpha Kitty™, you ask? Someone who\'s brave, creative, fierce, passionate and...well, yes, weird. Weird is the new normal, haven\'t you heard? After all, who wants to be cookie-cutter, anyway? Ugh. B-O-R-I-N-G. \"Le freak c\'ést chic\" is our motto in the world of Alpha Kitty™. We\'re a celebration of being different...of being individuals...of self expression. I see a herd of stampeding (super glam!) Alpha Kitties painting the world with our points of view and unique style. Alpha Kitties™ must be heard. So...let\'s start now. I wanna hear from YOU: Upload your video response and let your voice be heard and your cutest outfits be seen!'
Tags: fashion , Women , girl , magazine , nyc , seventeen , teen , college , mtv , kitty , alpha , jen , steele , Atoosa , Rubenstein , Cosmogirl , celebutard
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