'HEY LALASQUAD!! Today I\'m getting into some of your favorite coachella 2019 outfits from some of your favorite influencers! I talked about Nikita Dragun, Bretman Rock, Niki, Shalom Blac and so many others! FYI-- I have no issues with any of them so don\'t take my opinion personally! Love Always, LaLa Follow Me and let\'s connect on Social Media!!! EMAIL ME: LaLaSizaHands89@gmail.com I N S T A G R A M @LaLaMilan T W I T T E R @LaLaMilan F A C E B O O K LaLa Milan S N A P C H A T @LaLaMilan MAIL ME STUFF! LaLa Milan Heaux! PO Box 1704 Los Angeles California 90614'
Tags: coachella , nikita dragun , Bretman Rock , niki , liza koshy , Shalom Blac , Lele Pons , latoya Forever , coachella outfits , james charles coachella , roasting coachella outfits , coachella outfits 2019 , roasting youtuber coachella outfits , coachella outfits review , coachella fashion review , coachella outfits reaction , coachella outfits james charles , coachella outfits try on , coachella fashion roast 2019 , coachella outfits 2019 day 1 , coachella outfits 2019 day 2
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