'Street Fighter Style Fighting Game in Python using Pygame - Complete Tutorial'

'Street Fighter Style Fighting Game in Python using Pygame - Complete Tutorial'
02:18:44 Jun 10, 2024
'In this Python tutorial I will show you how to create a fighting game similar to street fighter in python using the pygame module. The code for the game is built from scratch and will cover player movement, sprite animation, collision and more!   Code and assets for this video: http://codingwithruss.com/gamepage/Brawler Backup: https://github.com/russs123/brawler_tut  Credits for assets used: images: https://luizmelo.itch.io/fantasy-warrior https://luizmelo.itch.io/evil-wizard-2  sounds: https://freesound.org/people/mrrap4food/sounds/493918/ https://freesound.org/people/Herkules92/sounds/547600/ https://freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/442872/  font: https://fontmeme.com/fonts/turok-font/  Check out my other PyGame tutorials: Space Invaders coding tutorial: https://youtu.be/f4coFYbYQzw Flappy Bird coding tutorial: https://youtu.be/GiUGVOqqCKg  Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 1:05 Initial Game Setup 09:30 Create Fighter Class 13:30 Player Controls 29:30 Attacking 40:40 Health Bars 51:10 Load Spritesheets 1:21:20 Sprite Animation 1:50:08 Player 2 Controls 2:12:50 Music and Sound Effects' 

Tags: how to , game , coding , python , Programming , code , Street Fighter , pythonGB , python tutorial , fighting game , Python programming , pygame , pygame tutorial , python platformer tutorial , python beginner tutorial , pygame platformer , pygame platformer tutorial , pygame beginner tutorial , pygame tutorial for beginners , python game , python game tutorial , python for beginners , pygame collision , python collision , two player , pygame multiplayer

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