'\"There is only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is here.\" **SPOILERS FOR GAME OF THRONES SEASONS 1-7** Coming Spring 2019. Whilst the UK recovers from \'the Beast from the East\', the Winter of Westeros is still to come for this lot. Happy 2018 everyone! I hope the new year is treating you all well! Alas, it\'s been a tough start to the year for my family & I so I do apologise for the lack of content. Plus, I\'ve been rather busy with work because (as you can imagine) the trailer world doesn\'t sleep! I cannot wait to share with you all of the projects I\'ve been so fortunate to work on, I have a little \'1 Year On\' video in the pipeline so look out for that! In the meantime, I\'m back at it again with the style videos. How could I not bring together two of the most anticipated culmination events of the next two years for a mashup video? I consider this one something of a sequel to my \'Game of Thrones Suicide Squad\' video from 2016 - I did GoT meets DC, so it was only fair to do GoT meets Marvel. An honourable must go to my partner in crime on this project and fellow work-mate, Simon Terrey, who did all the awesome motion graphics you see in this video. They really tie the video together beautifully and I couldn\'t have done this vid without him. Thanks a bunch man, you da best! I only hope I\'ve managed to do justice to both franchises and that you all enjoy this as much as I did making it. Don\'t forget to comment, like, subscribe & send a raven to your friends if you did! Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind. For the night is dark and full of terrors. Dominic of House VG934 If you haven\'t yet caught up with the antics in the Seven Kingdoms or want to get your weekly Westerosi fill be sure to do so at: www.hbonow.com OR www.nowtv.com #GameOfThrones #AvengersInfinityWar #Trailer CLIPS COPYRIGHT TO HBO. MUSIC COPYRIGHT TO MARVEL STUDIOS. NO INFRINGEMENT INTENDED BY THE MANUFACTURE OR UPLOAD OF THIS VIDEO. ALL CONTENT HAS BEEN USED UNDER TERMS OF FAIR USE.'
Tags: style , trailer , Marvel , FIRE , ice , Dragon , Avengers , Game of Thrones , infinity war , HBO , got , fanmade , Jon Snow , A Song of Ice and Fire , night king , white walkers , Daenerys Targaryen , winter is coming , tyrion lannister , VG934 , George R R Martin
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