'Making a Choose Your Own Adventure Style Game in GameMaker Studio 2.3 [Part 1/2]'

'Making a Choose Your Own Adventure Style Game in GameMaker Studio 2.3 [Part 1/2]'
08:36 Jun 28, 2024
'Part 1 of a short Let\'s Make a Choose Your Own Adventure Style Game in GameMaker Studio 2.3. This is a continuation of the JSON series. In Part 1, I will (quickly) go over the project set up. Part 2 will cover setting up the JSON data and then importing and using it.  Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/samspadegamedev  Github Repository (Source Code): https://github.com/samspadegamedev/Choose-Your-Own-Adventure  Outline 0:00 What will this game look like? 1:08 Setting up the Rooms 1:43 Setting up the Sprites 2:41 Setting up the Fonts 3:14 Adding in the Script File 3:31 Creating the General Buttons 6:05 Creating the Start Button 7:34 Creating the Back Button 8:04 Running it All  #GameMaker #JSON #GML' 

Tags: tutorial , game , import , interactive , gm , save , learn to code , how to code , gms , full game , importing , json , 2.3 , gamemaker , GML , game maker studio , Choose Your Own Adventure , CYOA , lets make a game

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