'FOR A FREE TRIAL and 10% off your first Squarespace website or domain, go to: http://www.squarespace.com/shanboody And when you’re ready to launch, you can also save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain by going through http://Squarespace.com/shanboody ___________________________________________________________ In this video, I assess the Game of Thrones romantic relationships to determine which attachment style each character falls under. BUT FIRST...what is your attachment style: secure, anxious, avoidant or fearful avoidant? TAKE THE QUIZ to find out: https://www.thegameofdesire.com/throne Attachment theory is an area of psychology first coined by John Bowlby that seeks to explain attachment styles by identifying four different ways people behave in intimate relationships. Can you guess these Game of Thrones character\'s attachment style? Ned Stark Catelyn Stark Missandei Yara Greyjoy Tyrion Lannister Sir Brienne of Tarth Cersei Lannister Petyr Baelish Lysa Arryn Sansa Stark (except for the last two seasons) Jamie Lannister Daenerys Targaryen Samwell Tarly Theon Greyjoy Tommen Baratheon Arya Stark The Hound Bran Stark ___________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow me elsewhere: http://instagram.com/shanBoody http://Facebook.com/ShanBoody http://Twitter.com/ShanBoody http://ShanBoody.com ______________________________________________________________ Shannon \"Boody\" Boodram is an intimacy and relationship educator who promotes sexual empowerment through information and conversation. She creates contents for young adults to make better choices in their intimate lives and romantic relationships. For more buy her new book The Game of Desire at http://thegameofdesire.com/buy'
Tags: Game of Thrones , shan boody , self development , charisma on command , attachment theory , game of thrones women , got characters , got relationships , game of thrones relationships , game of thrones love stories , game of thrones theory , missendei , got theory
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