'Did we find the SOLUTION to Camel Toes?! We try underwear and an insert that promise to solve the issue. Next, watch as we buy everything that Instagram advertises in 10 minutes! ►► https://youtu.be/N7O0DKpAOqM Subscribe here for more Clevver Style! ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverStyle What We Tried! JIV Athletics Camel Toe Proof High Rise Thong - https://fave.co/3hF8Dy5 Cuchini Camel Toe Pad - https://amzn.to/3tkgyXc Follow Us on Instagram!! @clevver @sineaddevries @drew__dorsey @sierrachanell Follow Us On Tik Tok! http://tiktok.com/@clevver Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverTV Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/Clevver Senior Producer: Bridget Moriarty Producer: Katherine Silva Production Assistant: Phoebe Balson Camera Operator: Russ Ferguson Camera Operator: EJ Locke Editor: Shawn Lebert Check out some of our other Clevver Style series! Retail Ratings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta_Z--2HHrE&list=PLdq0S7aHzzphw1M-Hs9NW89xGpo1WmHgk 5 Women Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7ocUBcncd0&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpjeSo3V8lxkIxagnok43nEu Cheap vs Steep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzrzDlGrlsc&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpiVfaa1iGVe2Q0iE5Pddgtf Style 3 Way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnGKBeVOC-Q&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpj7TvVjKmeNKdNP7KydgKoz TikTok Made Us Buy It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85uj1UKFxS4&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpiOHuAiuCCDJzzCH8pD1wqv Fashion Favorites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kEo_TsaWyA&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpjcBtOSBHF5HRENzIEqMwaZOur Crazy Fashion Nova https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idPKwRJ1jig&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpjR84wEegH_mXgJ2WfEw-Sp Social Distance Diaries! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6XW-WyPYGk&list=PLdq0S7aHzzph08xfL6QDK-3qHMEWnWKqf The Photo Shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SnpkSCnin0&list=PLdq0S7aHzzph3WBis_ftkjj3qlXVSRYab FTC Disclaimer: Clevver Style participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commission on products purchased through our links to retailer sites. cameltoe solution thong and inserts'
Tags: haul , underwear , Khloe Kardashian , clevver , try on , sierra , clever , Drew , solution , sinead , Thong , revolve , clevver style , cameltoe , undies , Insert , Drew Dorsey , camel toe , sinead de vries , clever style , wedgie , sierra patrick , sierra chanell , JIV Athletics , cuchini , solving camel toe , kadashaian
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