'#fastfashion Fast Fashion and Made in Cambodia| Double Increase in Salary! |'

'#fastfashion Fast Fashion and Made in Cambodia| Double Increase in Salary! |'
21:49 Aug 4, 2021
'V25 Fast Fashion and Made in Cambodia  Today, I want to talk about Cambodia, a country which is in the list of top 20 producers of clothes in the world, along with China, Turkey, Bangladesh, Viet Nam, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.  What are the country-specific characteristics of the fast fashion industry’ production in Cambodia?  This video will be dedicated to this question in which I will help you understand the struggles of Cambodian garment workers.  Video editing app: inShot (free version)  Music by: @ikson, Last Summer.  My video on minimum wages v. living wages in the fast fashion supply chains:  -       FAST FASHION SALARY: PART III: MINIMUM WAGE V. LIVING WAGE: GARMENT WORKERS - THE LOWEST EARNERS!, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfhmRdmq7a4  You can also check out the following two related videos:  -       Fast Fashion Salary: Right to Just and Favorable Remuneration. Part I: A Monthly Salary of 95 USD?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN-5EHta9p0&t=5s  -       Fast Fashion Salary: Right to Just and Favourable Remuneration. Part II: A Monthly Salary of 26 USD?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PmTWhq2rMs&t=19s  Sources: 1.    ILO, Wages and Working Hours in the Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear Industries, Issue Paper, September 2014, available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_dialogue/---sector/documents/publication/wcms_300463.pdf  2.    ILO, Cambodian Garment and Footwear Sector Bulletin Issue 7 | June 2018, available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/publication/wcms_631686.pdf  3.    DW, Cambodian garment workers stay poor while dressing the West, 03.07.2017, Ate Hoekstra (Phnom Penh), available at: https://www.dw.com/en/cambodian-garment-workers-stay-poor-while-dressing-the-west/a-37796952  4.    RT Documentary, Stitched up in Cambodia: When having a baby means losing your job, available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md9yjK7OI-Y  5.    Al Jazeera English, Cambodia: Dying for fashion | 101 East, 21 March 2014, available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fnz9dND6Iw  6.    Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Cambodia’s Garment Industry (Documentary \"A Day in the Cambodian Garment Factory\"), 25 June 2015, available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_qg7dx27gM&t=14s  7.    Reuters Events, Cambodia’s wage protests: Fashion brands support garment workers, By Paul French on Oct 9, 2014, available at: https://www.reutersevents.com/sustainability/environment/cambodias-wage-protests-fashion-brands-support-garment-workers  8.    Clean Clothes Campaign, country profile on Cambodia, available at: https://archive.cleanclothes.org/livingwage/cambodia  9.    Clean Clothes Campaign, Portraits of Cambodian Garment Workers, available at: https://archive.cleanclothes.org/livingwage/real-lives-of-cambodian-workers  10. Clean Clothes Campaign, Shop ‘til they drop Fainting and Malnutrition in Garment Workers in Cambodia, available at: https://archive.cleanclothes.org/resources/national-cccs/shop-til-they-drop;  11. Fashion Revolution, Reality Check: Will the new minimum wage in Cambodia make a difference for garment workers?, 2016, available at: https://www.fashionrevolution.org/reality-check/  12. Fashion Revolution, Fashion Revolution Cambodia, available at: https://www.fashionrevolution.org/asia/cambodia/  13. Asian Post, Changing Cambodia’s fashion industry, The ASEAN Post team, 31 January 2020, available at: https://theaseanpost.com/article/changing-cambodias-fashion-industry  14. Fast Company, Why this clothing company is making its factory wages public, 08.18.2020, Adel Peters, available at: https://www.fastcompany.com/90213069/why-this-clothing-company-is-making-its-factory-wages-public  15. ActionAid.org, Cambodia’s women garment workers fight for decent work conditions from big brands, 23.04.2019, available at: https://actionaid.org.au/cambodias-women-garment-workers/  16. Just-stye, Cambodia garment worker wage bumped up 2 USD, 14 September 2020, By Hannah Abdulla, available at: https://www.just-style.com/news/cambodia-garment-worker-wage-bumped-up-us2_id139575.aspx  17. Borgen Magazine, Exploring Human Trafficking in the Textile Industry, https://www.borgenmagazine.com/textile-industry/  18. European Commission, Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU Market over Human Rights Concerns, 12 August 2020, available at: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_1469  19. Reuters, Cambodia, faced with losing European trade status, raises textile workers\' wages, 20 September 2019, available at: https://www.reuters.com/article/cambodia-garment-idUSL3N26B17E' 
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