'Say no to fast fashion once and for all. The fast fashion industry continues to be a top polluting industry (in water use, emissions and textile waste) that thrives off of marginalized POC garment workers (mostly women). The longer we as a collective shop under the mindset of constant consumption, we\'ll never be able to have an ethical or sustainable fashion industry. IG → https://instagram.com/inspiroue BLOG → https://inspiroue.com/blog TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Intro 01:11 Fast fashion is a racial justice and feminist issue 03:03 Quitting fast fashion is easier than you think 04:22 Fast fashion is a problem we caused, that we need to solve as consumers 04:41 If only those who couldn\'t afford \'sustainable fashion\' bought fast fashion... 06:10 Fast fashion is not a problem for the plus sized market until more options are available 07:07 Shopping sustainably isn\'t expensive, you can thrift a modern chic style too 09:33 Sustainable fashion isn\'t expensive, because you can\'t buy your way into sustainability 10:34 Quitting fast fashion is a mindset change. We need to stop overconsumption 12:02 How Zara started fast fashion with their supply chain and business model 13:36 Final thoughts 14:07 Outfit details Those in the room with the best style are the ones who are the most conscious about the impact their shopping habits and buying decisions have, on those who aren\'t in the room. It\'s time to end fast fashion for real. That means questioning why you want to shop when you\'re in the mood. It means calling out your favourite influencers when they have brand deals (and do hauls or lookbooks) constantly with brands like Zara, Aritzia, Boohoo, really any brand thats pushing for constant consumption. We can\'t have racial equity or a sustainable (and ethical) fashion industry when a majority of consumers continue to shop all the time. If you really care about sustainability, women\'s rights, racial justice, or environmental justice, you need to help but an end to fast fashion. It\'s all intersectional. RESOURCES - will update in the AM - #fastfashion #sustainability #intersectionality'
Tags: sustainability , zara , sustainable fashion , h&m , ethical fashion , fast fashion , inspiroue , say no to fast fashion , intersectional environmentalism , quit fast fashion , how to be more sustainable , how to quit fast fashion , how to shop sustainably , intersectionality , fast fashion is disgusting , fast fashion needs to end
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