'Fast Fashion and Child Labour. Attention!!! Your clothes might have been made by a child!'

20:09 Aug 18, 2021
'Video 22 Fast Fashion and Child Labour  Around 260 million children are in employment around the world, says the International Labour Organisation.  Of them, 170 million are engaged in child labour.  What do you think, how many out of these 260 million children working, are engaged in the fast fashion industry?  Stay tuned as this video will be dedicated to the issue of child labour in the fast fashion industry.   Video editing : inShot  Music by : @ikson, Last Summer   1.    Child labour in the fashion supply chain, Where, why and what can be done, Josephine Moulds, available at: https://labs.theguardian.com/unicef-child-labour/  2.    Modern Slavery is Never Out of FashionChild Labour in the Clothing Industry, James Melville, 14 July 2020, available at: https://bylinetimes.com/2020/07/14/modern-slavery-is-never-out-of-fashion-child-labour-in-the-clothing-industry/;  3.    Fact Sheet Child labour in the textile & garment industry, Focus on the role of buying companies, March 2014, available at: https://www.somo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Fact-Sheet-child-labour-Focus-on-the-role-of-buying-companies.pdf;  4.    ILO Conventions and Recommendations on child labor, available at: https://www.ilo.org/ipec/Action/Time-BoundProgrammes/Legal/Conventions/lang--en/index.htm#:~:text=List%20of%20Ratifications-,ILO%20Convention%20No.,be%20employed%20or%20otherwise%20work. 5.    The Child Labour Experiment, By Fashion Revolution, available at: https://www.fashionrevolution.org/the-child-labour-experiment/; 6.    Is There Child Labor in the Fashion Industry?JUNE 12, 2019, available at: https://www.dressember.org/blog/is-there-child-labor-in-the-fashion-industry' 
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