'Fashion Revolution Week: Second Hand Haulternative | Try on Thrift Haul'

'Fashion Revolution Week: Second Hand Haulternative | Try on Thrift Haul'
09:48 Aug 20, 2021
'Check out Fashion Revolution Week and get involved here: http://fashionrevolution.org/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/fash_rev/  I bought these clothes at a few different consignment and thrift stores in my area. I\'m not sharing brands in this video because I don\'t want to draw attention to them specifically; I do want to share that you can find in season clothing second hand. :) _________  In May 2015, I got rid of nearly 80% of my closet and have happily adopted a more minimalist view of fashion. From then until recently, that met a very strict capsule wardrobe. Now, I\'ve removed some of the rules (that helped me so much in the beginning) and now focus on curating a small wardrobe filled with ethical pieces that I love. For me, this means shopping second hand at vintage, thrift, and consignment stores first before sourcing other ethical brands. I stopped shopping at fast fashion retailers after learning about the devastation the fashion industry has on people and the planet here: http://truecostmovie.com/  ⇨ S O C I A L  Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/allitav/ Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/allitav/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Alli_Cherry Nick\'s Channel: https://goo.gl/7quUvE Alli Cherry PO Box 1421 Los Alamitos, CA 90720  Patreon: https://goo.gl/1aYiUR  Thank you for your support, lovely patrons! Marina, Briar Bones, Christy Praharto, Fatima Vargas, Maxine Davies, Sienna L, Mary Mench, Aleesha Francis, Emily Hoven, Elizabeth Miller, Brittany Henthorn, Hannah Ford, Alison Ferguson, Mia Stokholm, Chitra Viswanathan, Ruby Lopez, Alicia Levin, Pat Tate, Rebecca Maria, Lucy Zamora, Jenn Rogers, Jessica Mickelson, Camila Nels, Gregory White, Elmira, Caroline Slavin, Toulotte Gaelle, Rowena McIntosh, Alice Green, Cchua, Lauren Magda, and Verena Erin. __  ⇨ A D D I T I O N A L   I N F O  &  C O U P O N S Get a free $20 credit on your next HIPCAMP adventure: https://www.hipcamp.com/users/sign-up?rc=YR8THD29&rs=3&rk=0  Get a free $35 credit on AIRBNB for your next travel adventure: www.airbnb.com/c/atavolara  Get 10% off your Stasher Bag order with code CHERRY10 https://goo.gl/RXykhw  My LOCAL WOLVES interview is now live! Check out the full issue: https://goo.gl/WQ8p6I __  ⇨ C R E D I T S  &  G E A R Filmed by: Alli Cherry  + Nick Cherry Edited by: Alli Cherry Edited with: Adobe Premiere Pro  http://amzn.to/2j5i4KD Animation Intro: Nick Cherry Shot with: Canon 70D  Camera body: http://amzn.to/2j2CF1F 35mm lens: http://amzn.to/2jfLYsV Manfrotto Tripod http://amzn.to/2j2FbF9 Zoom Microphone http://amzn.to/2igo69Z Music: Dr Turtle _  ⇨ S H O P Rad & Random Shop: https://goo.gl/ta1g9a Shop Instagram: https://goo.gl/3dtnvX  ⇨ R E C E N T   V I D E O S VLOGMAS 2016: https://goo.gl/AUyvNR Flea Market: https://goo.gl/56TfWU Travel Playlist: http://bit.ly/1V3NcnH __  ⇨ N E W   HE R E ?  Hi, I’m Alli!   I’ve been making videos on this channel since June 2014, but I’ve been watching youtube videos for much longer ;). Before starting this channel as my creative outlet, I was in a major rut and thought the challenge of making a video every week would help. I\'m happy to report that it did! Making Youtube videos is now my favorite hobby and I’m excited to see where it can take me in the future.   On this channel, I share my journey toward a capsule wardrobe, travel videos, home decor projects, healthy recipes, natural beauty recommendations, and more! My husband (Nick) and I are also documenting the renovation of our 1974 dodge travco motorhome: lovingly referred to as the Cherry Travco!  ⇨ D I S C L A I M E R This is not a sponsored video.  Products that have been gifted to me are shown with an * in the description. I only share products that I absolutely love and all opinions are always my own. Some product links are affiliate links. Thanks for supporting my channel and being awesome!' 

Tags: try on haul , try on thrift haul , capsule wardrobe , fashion revolution week , ethical fashion , sustainable wardrobe , alli cherry , haulternative , small wardrobe , second hand haulternative , spring wardrobe update , crossroads trading co , tattered

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