'It\'s been awhile, reason being is because in the beginning I got bored/tired of the games I would play. Pretty much to the point i was getting sick of playing games in general since there has hardly been any updates with significant value. Shortly after some stuff happened and recently I\'ve been trying to catch up with everything I missed. Though I can\'t wait for the season of light spam :/ I know it isn\'t much but I thought I\'d make a fashion video since there\'s alot of new armour and patterns etc. I\'ll do more designs later, and with other characters as well. Though it\'s hard repping up with some of them as they are pretty boring to play ngl Music: Safe - Chuki Beats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lanlte0dDaE Lucid - Chuki Beats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfK8-DsDjcY The End - Chuki Beats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srPvYiFua08'
Tags: Edge , For Honor , knights , mythic , edgelord , warden , Tyranny , holy knight , For fashion , rep 70 , ultimate customization , Y4S2
See also: