'The Real Cost of Fast Fashion'

01:49 Aug 27, 2021
'Do you love those cheap, trendy clothes from stores like H&M and Forever 21? The price point for these clothes might be easy on your wallet but they’re not so good for the planet.  For more from YR Media: Check out our website: https://yr.media/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yr.media/  Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yrmediapage/    Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsyrmedia?lang=en  We are YR Media, a national network of young journalists and artists, based in Oakland, Calif. We collaborate with our peers around the country and with top media professionals to create stories, music and art that matter. We\'re on Instagram as @yr.media, on Twitter as @itsYRmedia, and on Facebook as @yrmediapage' 

Tags: fashion , Design , clothing , clothes , industry , h&m , fast fashion , cotton , forever21

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