'Teenagers challenge the stigma of second hand and charity shop bought clothing. A documentary about fashion and sustainability and what young people can do to make a difference. Featuring a makeover from charity shop bought garments with the help of top stylist Namalee Bolle, learning how to repair clothes and meeting fashion experts who are trying to bring about change including Andrea Speranza - Head of Campaigns and Education at TRAID and Kate Wakeling - Ted Baker’s Conscience Manager. Produced by a group of 15 – 19 year olds on a week-long film course at Camden Summer University, with the support of Sue Ryder, British Heart Foundation, TRAID, Ted Baker, London Metropolitan University and Camden City Learning Centre. #FixingFastFashion #sustainablefashion #23percent #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #YouthStrike4Climate #SecondHandSeptember'
Tags: sewing , fashion industry , clothes , fashion show , vintage , Documentary , sustainability , fabric , sustainable , stylist , charity shops , recycling , second hand , Polyester , fiber , repairs , cotton , camden , make do and mend , ted baker , sue ryder , young people , british heart foundation , viscose , Tencel , Lenzing , TRAID , Kate Wakeling , Andrea Speranza , Camden Summer University , Namalee Bolle , Tonia Thorne , participatory , Camden City Learning Centre , Tina Cohen , synthetics , sustainable forests
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