'時尚起義 2020 Fashion Revolution at Eaton Radio HK, Podcast with Arnault Castel from Kapok (episode 3)'

'時尚起義 2020 Fashion Revolution at Eaton Radio HK, Podcast with Arnault Castel from Kapok (episode 3)'
39:49 Sep 4, 2021
'時尚起義 2020 Fashion Revolution at Eaton Radio HK,  Podcast with Arnault Castel from Kapok, episode 3   Fashion Revolution doesn’t just happen on Fashion Revolution Week, our conversation continues throughout the year!  In this episode, we invited Arnault Castel from Kapok to have a chat with us about future classics, style and sustainability with Kay from Fashion Clinic at Eaton Radio HK.  Arnault has always been a person of taste who stands at the forefront of style and sustainability, something a normal customer wouldn’t be aware of, because he does not believing in preaching. He is definitely one of the first to bring the finest selection of sustainable designer labels like Freitag and Veja to Hong Kong. LIVE BETTER WITH LESS THAT LASTS LONGER.   You have the choice of voting for a better world with your power as a customer.  Arnault可算是可持續設計品牌在香港的首個伯樂。他所創辦的Kapok除了於9 年前已引入近年大受追捧,利用天然橡膠及再生物料製造的球鞋Veja外,更於6年前把以貨櫃車帆布作物料的Freitag袋製品帶來香港。相對於那些整日把「環保」掛在嘴邊,卻從來對利益斤斤計較的「環保份子」,Arnault這個來自法國的香港人一直以來都只是默默耕耘,身體力行地支持環保。為了讓消費者擁有真正的良心選擇,Kapok孜孜不倦地為大家搜羅世界各地的可持續設計品牌 。我們所以萬分榮幸是次得到Kapok的支持,參與我們的時尚起義。   不要猶豫,快來瞭解這場時尚起義,成為可持續未來的一份子,齊齊為未來出一分力吧。' 
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