'Fast Fashion Pollution breakdown and tips to avoid it Fast fashion is a crushing industry. It is a major pollutant and huge source of waste. As you guessed from my many fun facts in this video, fast fashion sucks. I hope that this video helps you on your way to quitting fast fashion. As always, thanks for hanging out, xx Lara - - - new videos every Thursday- - - #FastFashion #MinimalistWardrobe #LaraNaomi INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/_lara_naomi/ PINTEREST https://www.pinterest.com.au/lara_naomi__/ WEBSITE www.laranaomi.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO Ethical Brands List: http://ethicalclothingaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ECA-Brand-List.pdf True Cost Documentary: https://truecostmovie.com/ War on Waste Documentary: https://www.abc.net.au/tv/programs/war-on-waste/ What she makes: https://whatshemakes.oxfam.org.au/ Fashion Company Ethical Tracker https://whatshemakes.oxfam.org.au/company-tracker/ Book on Fast Fashion Waste: https://www.amazon.com/Overdressed-Shockingly-High-Cheap-Fashion/dp/1591844614?tag=thehuffingtop-20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEOS FOR YOU: 5 Self Care Habits that Changed my Life: https://youtu.be/yvsa7G4nJn4 Make your minimalist phone: organise apps https://youtu.be/6ar9p-Mnne4 9 Things to Get Rid of Today https://youtu.be/r0vSlwhBodY Find your Purpose in Life https://youtu.be/UMj6ZGNJd2w Tips for building your capsule wardrobe: https://youtu.be/MD_Q5zjExGY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Lara. I am Aboriginal. Australian. A goofball. A circus performer. And a firm believer in living your life your way. This channel is all about becoming the person you want to be, ways to improve your life and get on the path you choose. If you like videos about trying to achieve your goals and living life by your own rules... then this is for you! Welcome to the Team! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://youtu.be/cH-gQ2FF3e0'
Tags: sustainable fashion , slow fashion , ethical fashion , fast fashion , the true cost , quitting fast fashion , fast fashion industry , what is fast fashion , fast fashion problems , fast fashion environmental impact , quit fast fashion , the true cost of fast fashion , Problems with fast fashion , tips to quit fast fashion , environmental impact of fast fashion , fast fashion pollution , avoid fast fashion , fast fashion solutions , Lara Naomi
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