'Curvy & Plussize Fashion Week(end) 27.08 - 28.08.2016 Crowne Plaza Hotel Antwerp (B) An event not to miss for all the curvy fashionistas : fashionshows | beautycorner | conferences | workshops | photocorner | meet & greet | fun | .... INFO & TICKETS : http://www.pfwbelgium.com http://www.facebook.com/CPFWBelgium Instagram : @CPFWBELGIUM Twitter : PFWBELGIUM Models : Elise,Liesbet & Sharon @FashionMove Video : Whynot.digital'
Tags: fashionweek , curves , curvy , plussize , plussizefashion , Effyourbeautystandards , bodyPositive , curvygirl , curvymodel , plussizemodel , plussizediva , stylehasnosize , sizediversity , sizesexy , wewearwhatwewant , curvyandhappy , sizebeautiful , beproud , curvesarein , plusandproud , happycurves , cpfw , cpfwbelgium , fashionmove , fashionweekend
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