'lets talk about fast fashion'

14:53 Sep 15, 2021
'Ways to help BLM: twitter.com/inmyavenue/status/1266903192966590465?s=21  Sustainability and race: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEwwrdHLuC/?igshid=2375fceka94h https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-C0FPlQNJ/?igshid=1764djdok153v  thank you to Charlotte for sending me some fab articles for this video (check out her ig: https://www.instagram.com/thehealthybudgetstudent/) and also thank you to my bestie Darcie for helping me, check out her art account: https://instagram.com/darcievladislavichart?igshid=902gqy46ewu8  socials: ig: https://www.instagram.com/emilysvegandiary/ https://www.instagram.com/emily.niamh/ twitter: https://twitter.com/emilyniamh30 depop: https://www.depop.com/emilyxniamh/ spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/emilytimson?si=D5ptU_MSQqWhTRjlL20sug  19 year old uni student, posting videos about vegan food, cooking and baking, vegan beauty, sustainable fashion and living, uni stuff and my life  subscribe :) x  sources for this video: What Is Fast Fashion, Anyway? – Audrey Stanton (https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/what-is-fast-fashion) The Problem with Fast Fashion – Battered Women’s Support Services (https://www.bwss.org/fastfashion/) Fast Fashion – Adam Hayes (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fast-fashion.asp) What Is Fast Fashion? – Solene Rauterier (https://goodonyou.eco/what-is-fast-fashion/) ‘A monstrous disposable industry’: Fast facts about fast fashion – Jasmine Chinasamy (https://unearthed.greenpeace.org/2019/09/12/fast-facts-about-fast-fashion/) Planet fashion: the 10 coolest ethical fashion brands – Melanie Wilkinson (https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/gallery/2020/apr/21/planet-fashion-the-10-coolest-ethical-fashion-brands) What Is Greenwashing? – Adyan Corcione (https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/10946-greenwashing.html) Stella McCertney is on a quest to save you from the fashion industry – Oliver Franklin-Wallis(https://www.wired.co.uk/article/stella-mccartney-sustainable-fashion) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle? Try the 6 R’s Instead! - Kristine(https://curbyourimpact.com/reduce-reuse-recycle/)about TENCEL fibers – TENCEL (https://www.tencel.com/about) The Rana Plaza Accident and its aftermath -International Labour Organization (https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/geip/WCMS_614394/lang--en/index.htm) H&M AND ZARA, THE ‘SUSTAINABLE’ FASHION BRANDS KILLING THE ENVIRONMENT – Barney Cotton (https://www.businessleader.co.uk/hm-and-zara-the-sustainable-fashion-brands-killing-the-environment/56166/) Circular Economy and Waste in the Fashion Industry Valentina Jacometti Department of Law, Economics and Culture, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Via S. Abbondio 12, 22100 Como, Italy;  Second-hand fashion market: consumer role in circular economy:Maria Amália Dutra Machado, Stefânia Ordovás de Almeida, Laura Chiattone Bollick and Gabriela Bragagnolo Business School, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil' 

Tags: fashion , ENTERTAINMENT , vlog , vegan , shein , ginger , veganism , ethics , romwe , environment , ASOS , uni , fast fashion , topshop , uni meals , vegan teen , vegan uni , plt

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