'Rhino & Nyx Prime Relic Locations, Relay Visual Update & Fixes (Warframe)'

'Rhino & Nyx Prime Relic Locations, Relay Visual Update & Fixes (Warframe)'
03:06 Sep 17, 2021
'#Warframe released the latest #PrimeVault containing Nyx & Rhino Prime with their respected items into the game in #Hotfix 25.3.3  Sources Prime Vault: Hotfix 25.3.3 + https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1111888-prime-vault-hotfix-2533-25331/  Warframe Drops https://n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html  Warframe Prime Vault  https://www.warframe.com/prime-vault  My FashionFrame: All Warframes w/ Timestamps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP3J8ukyU98  My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Iwoply  Sign up to Warframe:  https://warframe.com/signup?referrerId=517668c61a4d80b145000085' 

Tags: warframe update , warframe partner , Warframe Hotfix , Warframe News , Iwoply , Rhino Prime , Nyx Prime , Warframe Iwoply , Warframe Changes , Warframe Fixes , prime vault , relic locations , Warframe Relay , Relay Visual , Visual Update , prime vault relics , prime vault 2019 , Warframe Bugs

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