'Warframe from Scratch Ep3 - 1st Boss & Fashion'

'Warframe from Scratch Ep3 - 1st Boss & Fashion'
32:45 Sep 25, 2021
'Episode 3 of JiJi\'s Bizzare adventure in Warframe from scratch. New account with the goal of becoming solo MOT viable while showing of some tips n tricks on how to progress sensibly.  PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/AshisogiTenno  MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/ashisogi-tenno-merch  TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/ashisogi_tenno  DISCORD: https://discord.gg/muAzyD9  INSTAGRAM: Cephalon_Jizo  TWITTER: https://twitter.com/cephalon_jizo' 

Tags: how to , guide , warframe , twitch , stream , episode 3 , starting over , beginners guide , ashisogi tenno , cephalon jizo , Playthru , warframe from scratch , smurf account , veteran plays , how to play waframe from the start , new account , noob guide , warframe funny moments , pink excalibur , alt account , pro player disguised

See also:

