'HOW TO QUIT FAST FASHION: Shop Sustainably and Ethically with DIVINIUS [AD] | Mademoiselle'

'HOW TO QUIT FAST FASHION: Shop Sustainably and Ethically with DIVINIUS [AD] | Mademoiselle'
10:12 Oct 1, 2021
'HOW TO QUIT FAST FASHION | I’m proud to partner up with DIVINIUS today, to share some tools and tips that you can use to slow down or quit fast fashion. Open me for more info! x  If you’d like to support DIVINIUS, you can get 10% off your order using the discount code ‘JAIME’: http://bit.ly/MademYT  You can follow DIVINIUS on Instagram here: http://bit.ly/JaimeDIVINIUSInsta  You can learn more about DIVINIUS, and their ethical and sustainable practices here: https://divinius.com/pages/our-mission  ITEMS MENTIONED Rhea short sleeved tee (size S) - http://bit.ly/JaimeRheaTee Gaia top (size M) - http://bit.ly/JaimeGaiaTop Ariel Raglan Crew (size S) - http://bit.ly/JaimeAriel  BLOG: http://www.mademois-elle.com INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/mademoisellejaime PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/mademoisellejaime/ EMAIL: jamielee@mademois-elle.com  SHOP MY WARDROBE: https://www.depop.com/mademoisellejaime/  #DIVINIUS #SustainableFashion #EthicalFashion #FastFashion  LINKS \'To Die For: Is Fashion Wearing Out the World’ by Lucy Siegle (Book): https://t.cfjump.com/8979/t/54186?Url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.bookdepository.com%2fTo-Die-For%2f9780007264094 How I Shop Sustainably (Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm6L5kwv2zU My Fave Ethical/Sustainable Brands (Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge93CRe_pOc Why Sustainable Fashion Needs to be on your Radar (Blog Post): https://www.mademois-elle.com/sustainable-fashion/ What Sustainable Fashion Means to Me (Blog Post): https://www.mademois-elle.com/what-sustainable-fashion-means-to-me/  WEARING Re/Done black tee - http://bit.ly/2V4WclS Vince cardigan (old) - http://bit.ly/2PM255T OR http://bit.ly/2PMu3hG Leopard skirt - http://bit.ly/2VeQkqU Citizens of Humanity jeans (in try on clips) - http://bit.ly/2HTgwP4 OR http://bit.ly/2HUGFx6 Mejuri earrings - http://edit.mejuri.com/mademoisellejaime Muru Jewellery necklace - http://bit.ly/2VHGAWk  Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video. I hope you enjoyed it! Please note that some of the links used are affiliate links, which means if you choose to make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support! :)  BEAUTY NOTES La Mer Hydrating Illuminator, Clarins Everlasting Foundation, Marc Jacobs Tantalize Bronzer, Perricone MD No Makeup Blush, Urban Decay Primer Potion, NARS Narcissist eyeshadow palette, Hourglass Caution Mascara, MAC brow pen, Chanel Rouge Allure Ink in Amoreaux' 

Tags: sustainable fashion , slow fashion , capsule wardrobe , ethical fashion , minimal style , fast fashion , minimal wardrobe , mademoiselle , slow living , quit fast fashion , how to quit fast fashion , divinius , conscious style , investment purchases

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