'HUGE Fashion Nova Curve Try-On Haul! |Plus Size Fashion|'

'HUGE Fashion Nova Curve Try-On Haul! |Plus Size Fashion|'
28:04 Oct 21, 2021
'Here\'s that Fashion Nova haul, as promised ;) Thumbs up for more!   Follow me on IG: http://Instagram.com/sarahhhrae  GIVEAWAY! Enter to win an iPad - http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/449e301d13/?   Okay the 30% off code they sent on the flyer is \"exclusive\" and links are below!  Minimalistic body suit - https://goo.gl/S1bAm7 Dinah crop top - https://goo.gl/e42G9Z Kickin It Shorts - https://goo.gl/pE8JL1 Lace Teddy - https://goo.gl/2kfZ5K Butt Lifter - https://goo.gl/KUEWXQ Floral Jumpsuit - https://goo.gl/8U2rCS Mesh Dress - https://goo.gl/14qjNz Fishnet Set - https://goo.gl/MTf2oH Wanderlust Leggings - https://goo.gl/uonhZB Wanderlust Hoodie - https://goo.gl/9UoN4U Meshed Up Jeans - https://goo.gl/6o8bgd Party Rock Jeans - https://goo.gl/wdf3Cu Daniel\'s Jeans - https://goo.gl/NudkeW Feeling Blue Jeans - https://goo.gl/bhfG6g  Use code \"sarahftf\" on http://ftf.com to save $$$   V L O G S➜ http://youtube.com/sarahraevlogas  S N A P C H A T➜ @sarahhhrae  I N S T A G R A M➜ http://instagram.com/sarahhhrae T W I T T E R➜ http://twitter.com/ravingsbyrae  C ON T A C T➜ ravingsbyrae@gmail.com  My brother Jason Vlogas\' IG & YouTube Channel  http://instagram.com/jasonvlogas https://youtube.com/jasonvargas1  My sister\'s IG & YouTube Channel  http://instagram.com/thesensiblemom http://youtube.com/alotofsavings   Sarah Rae Vargas  2758 US Highway 34  STE B 147  Oswego, IL 60543  xSarah' 

Tags: fashion nova curve , try on haul , fashion nova haul , plus size fashion , ravingsbyrae , sarah rae vargas , sarah rae vlogas , ravings by rae

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