Oct 22, 2021
'Ask and you shall receive (sometimes lol) - SO many of you asked for this and here it is. All I have to say is THE ZIPPER THOUGH?!?!?! Le\' sigh... enjoy the video! If you\'re curious about some affordable clothes that I think are SUPER cute and fit. Check it out here http://www.andigetdressed.com/2018/08/i-tried-fashion-nova-and-heres-what.html The AIGD mailing list is LAUNCHED. Make sure to sign up here loads of amazing content and giveaways etc. SIGN UP HERE http://eepurl.com/cA2EgL FAQ: What\'s on my lips http://shopstyle.it/l/wRTt Follow Me! Instagram http://www.instagram.com/itsmekellieb Instagram http://www.instagram.com/andigetdressed Twitter http://www.twitter.com/itsmekellieb Facebook http://www.facebook.com/andigetdressed FTC: Not sponsored, some links above are affiliate. Thanks for supporting my channel.'
Tags: fashion nova , try on , try on haul , fashion nova haul , andigetdressed , plus size fashion nova
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