Oct 27, 2021
'Do you ever think about where your clothes come from, who made them, how, and at what cost? Do you want to discover who made your clothes, share their stories, and influence global change? You can do all this and more by joining the FREE online course, \'Who Made My Clothes?\'. Created by Fashion Revolution with the University of Exeter, the course lifts the lid on the global fashion industry. During the three week course, the team will share with you a variety of simple techniques to find your own answers, and to use your findings to press the fashion industry to value people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure. It will encourage us to question what we, as active global citizens, can do to enable change. Sign up now: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/who-made-my-clothes/1 Join the conversation: #whomademyclothes'See also: