!['Let\'s Play Warframe [Multiplayer] - PC Gameplay Part 100 - Fashion Framing!'](https://cdn-img01.gfashion2.com/images/54-m/398/398159.jpg)
'Warframe is a fast paced and super fun cooperative third person shooter, where you mow through countless enemies to farm for new guns, characters, and flying doodads that help you out. It\'s a huge grindfest, but with the $0 pricetag, gorgeous visuals, and extremely solid weapon design, it\'s definitely worth a look. They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more. The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers. Come Tenno, you must join the war. Join my discord warframe chatroom: https://discord.gg/X6C6F9z Get Warframe on steam, for free*: http://store.steampowered.com/app/230410/ _ Back Me On Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/wanderbot My Twitter: twitter.com/wanderbots Watch Me Live: twitch.tv/wanderbot'
Tags: warframe , Warframe guide , let's play warframe , warframe pc gameplay , wanderbot , wanderbots , Warframe Plains of Eidolon , Warframe war within , Warframe Second Dream , Warframe Multiplayer , Warframe Letsplay , Warframe Uranus , Warframe Ducat Farming , Warframe Prime Farming
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