'#Haulternative l Fashion Revolution Week'

05:53 Nov 4, 2021
'It\'s Fashion Revolution Week and it\'s my turn to do a Haulternative.  You can make your own haulternative video to make more people aware of what is happening. Don\'t be scared to ask \'Who made my clothes?\'  #fashionrevolutionweek #haulternative  Fashion Revolution Week Information: http://fashionrevolution.org/   Marzia\'s Haulternative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTCgYHdvQ8w  Twitter:https://twitter.com/realgalaxykat Tumblr: https://realgalaxykat.tumblr.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kathy_peterson/?hl=en  Thanks for watching  Katxx' 

Tags: fashion , week , haul , Galaxy , green , fashion revolution week , revolution , marzia , haulternative , green wordrobe , galaxykat

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