'Fast Fashion: Who is to Blame?#fastfashion'

'Fast Fashion: Who is to Blame?#fastfashion'
14:49 Nov 4, 2021
'In this video, I am giving my two cents about who could be to blame for fast fashion’s negative impacts. After having explained what “fast fashion” stands for, I will reveal 4 actors that, in my opinion, make fast fashion what it is today.  Video editing app: inShot (free version)  Music by: @ikson  Track 1: Morning Hope, Ikson  Tack 2: Last Summer, Ikson Sources: UN launches drive to highlight environmental cost of staying fashionable, 25 March 2019, UN News, available at: https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/03/1035161  Meriam Webster Dictionary, definition of Fast Fashion, available at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fast%20fashion Images (uncited in the video) Rana Plaza Sieben Jahre später: Hat Rana Plaza die Modebranche auf Covid-19 vorbereitet? , Simone PreussFreitag, 24 April 2020, available at: https://fashionunited.ch/nachrichten/business/sieben-jahre-spaeter-hat-rana-plaza-die-modebranche-auf-covid-19-vorbereitet/2020042421630; Sweatshop workers: Campaign launched for Asian \"fashion victims\", 13 August 2010, SWISSINFO, available at: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/campaign-launched-for-asian--fashion-victims-/22777814 Water waste: Fashion Production Poisons China’s Water, available at: https://www.pinterest.ch/pin/602497256376550222/visual-search/?x=0.018593894110785554&y=0.009336474140485135&h=0.8000725148121515&w=0.9563366783989803&tab=0 RMG Workers in Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyzstan: Improving the international competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector (GTEX), International Trade Center, available at:  http://www.intracen.org/projects/gtex/Kyrgyzstan-Improving-the-international-competitiveness-of-the-textile-and-clothing-sector-GTEX/' 

Tags: #fastfashion , #whoistoblame

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