Nov 11, 2021
'تعرفوا على محدثتنا الثالثة ضمن برنامج أسبوع “ثورة الازياء” - ثويبة الحاج Meet our third speaker for #FashionRevolution Week in Sudan; Thowiba Alhaj Thowiba is a 22 year old medical student, youth and women empowerment advocate and a fashion entrepreneur. She is the founder of Tadwir, a movement that aims to encourage people to thrift and shop secondhand. Thowiba is the owner of “Vintage - A Sustainable Choice” which is a store offering secondhand fashion items. She believes fashion is more than a piece of fabric and will be talking to us about her experience in the secondhand market in Sudan, the social importance of secondhand shopping and the current effect of Covid-19 on this phenomenon. Fashion Revolution Week 2020 (April 20 - 26) #davustudio #sudan #WhoMadeMyClothes #WhatsInMyClothes'See also: