'Hi friends! I have a thrift haul for you that I\'m going to resell on Poshmark (they aren\'t up in my closet yet)! Why do I do this? I want to create a more circular economy. #haulternative This week is Fashion Revolution week! What does this mean? Well did you know that the fashion industry is one of the top polluting industries? Fast fashion brands don\'t care about the environment and most of it will end up in landfills quickly because of their poor quality. Also, do you know where your new clothes are made or who they\'re made by? A lot of popular brands won\'t tell you...and as a consumer you have a right to know. Ask your favorite brands where their clothes were made and by whom... are they paid fairly and treated well? Every dollar we spend is a vote. Vote with your money by supporting brands that are creating ethical and sustainable SLOW fashion who are also creating great working conditions for the people who make their clothes. So what\'s the most sustainable way to shop? Second hand, of course! Go to the thrift stores or go to a reselling website or a reselling app! You can find thousands of pieces easily. Sorry for my long description... I hope you all enjoy! ☞Learn more about the FASHION REVOLUTION here: https://www.fashionrevolution.org/ Thanks for watching! Like and subscribe! ❤ INSTAGRAM (strollthrulife): https://goo.gl/12vhVu ✿✿✿✿Check out some of my videos✿✿✿✿ ✿Vegan Disney Food (UPDATED): https://youtu.be/CCzhIPsVPR0 ✿Vegan Cream Cheese Taste Test: https://youtu.be/s7GAWP64KLE ✿Vegan Airplane Snack Foods: https://youtu.be/xZv24bLT_nI ✿Road Trip to Oregon Day 1: https://youtu.be/P_R0MVqSU38 ✿Europe Travel Vlog (1): https://youtu.be/zRwXyURdy7o ✿ Beyond Meat Burger Taste Test: https://youtu.be/rKRtbZFWH2c ✿EF College Break Review + Tips: https://youtu.be/HaHUkbGtPxM -------------------------------------------- Music Used: Carefree Melody by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/302/carefree-melody Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org'
Tags: fashion industry , ebay , sustainable fashion , thrift haul , slow fashion , thrifting , depop , fashion revolution , Pollution , second hand , low waste , eco-friendly , Mercari , poshmark , fast fashion , sustainable clothing , strolling through life , strollthrulife , zero waste shopping , low impact movement , textile waste , circular economy , haulternative , zero waste fashion , thrift haul to resell , thrift haul to resell on poshmark , eco-friendly clothes , how to make money reselling clothes
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