'Hi my loves! Bringing you more great plus size looks courtesy of Rainbow Shops!! Lots of hits in this Haul!! Items Mentioned: Wrap Front Pants: http://bit.ly/2uvT5T3 (3x didn’t fit) Dress with Overlay: http://bit.ly/2staq2i (3x) Double Ruffle Cold Shoulder top: http://bit.ly/2twrofJ (3x) Almost Famous Jeans: http://bit.ly/2ubu93K (22) Off the Shoulder BodySuit: http://bit.ly/2t3fM2Q (3x) 3 button Jeans: http://bit.ly/2ty8sgd (22) Good Vibes T-shirt: http://bit.ly/2tczzvb (3x) Shoes: http://bit.ly/2sdeDmn (8.5) ________________________________________________________ Coupon Codes to save you dollars: Fashion Nova “xoccc” for 15% off https://www.fashionnova.com/ Warp & Weft “CURVESCURLS” for 20% off https://warpweftworld.com/ PopUpPlus “MEGAN” for 15% off https://popupplusonline.com/ Teddy Blake “TBMegan20” for $20 off https://www.teddyblake.com/ Vibe Apparel “CCCVibes” for 25% off https://www.vibeapparelco.com/ _____________________________________________________ Connect With Me! PO Box 307 Meridianville, AL 35759 Instagram: Curves_CurlsandClothes Business Inquiries: megan@curvescurlsandclothes.com http://www.curvescurlsandclothes.com https://www.instagram.com/curves_curlsandclothes/ https://www.facebook.com/curvescurlsandclothes/ https://www.pinterest.com/crvescurlsclths/ https://twitter.com/CCC_Megz http://curvescurlsandclothes.tumblr.com Thanks for watching! xoxo, Megan (Curves, Curls and Clothes) _______________________________________________________ FTC: I did receive these items complimentary in exchange for my honest review. I do not always receive free products, I do purchase most items myself to review and share with you. I sometimes use affiliate links but most of my coupon codes are just to save you money and I do not make any income off of them. No matter what, my opinions are my own and honest product reviews. If you do decide to click on these links, thank you so very much for supporting me and the content I create.'
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